Case Illustration: Periprosthetic Pathologic Acetabular Fracture - 83 year old male

An 83-year-old male with prostate cancer and a history of THA presented with left sided groin pain after a fall and more recently, inability to ambulate. The patient completed radiation with hormone treatment. CT scan revealed a pathologic fracture of the acetabulum with protrusion and loosening of the acetabular cup. CT scan also showed a sacral U fracture which was stabilized with a trans sacral screw. In order create stable columns for revision THA, IlluminOss implants were inserted antegrade through an open ilioinguinal lateral approach. These implants were maximally filled with photodynamic monomer and cured with visible light. A supplemental intra-pelvic plate was applied to buttress quadrilateral surface comminution. A few days later, the patient underwent successful revision THA into stable acetabular columns. This patient had not walked in almost a year but by 4-months, he was walking with a walker with minimal to no pain.


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