The patient is a 70-year-old male who sustained a fracture dislocation of the shoulder from a seizure. A CT scan revealed a posterior dislocation with a 3-part proximal humerus fracture. The patient was treated operatively by reducing the humeral head and placing provisional fixation with a K-wire. A plate was used for further reduction and screws were placed through the plate posterior and superior to avoid the entry point of a nail. A unicortical screw was placed distally to hold the plate on the bone and maintain reduction. An IlluminOss implant was placed medial to the greater tuberosity and inserted through the intramedullary canal. The implant was filled with liquid monomer and cured with visible light. Attention was then focused on placing the remaining screws through the hardened IlluminOss implant for support. At 3-months post op, reduction was maintained, and no evidence of fixation failure was noted.